The Business of Plants X Creative Impact Co
We are excited to be teaming up with Creative Impact Co on July 20th to celebrate plant based and plant-passionate businesses and individuals with a free selection of talks from members of the Plant Academy community, including Plant Three students, Amanda (The Green Fuel) talking hormone health and plant based business in Madrid, Charlotte founder of HOY Paris and live chats with Fab the founder of Creative Impact in addition to Plant Academy founder Lauren.
This day is here to inspire your own plant-based business and launches our collaboration, offering Plant Academy students a complimentary short term membership to Creative Impact Co!
The event schedule:
Fab Giovanetti: Speed Networking and Welcome
Sonal Ambasna: Nutrition to Support the Brain & Mood
Paola Petri Ortiz: Diet Free Living
Niki Webster: The Business of Books
Amanda Franco: Hormone Food and Business Cycles
Charlotte Gomez de Orozco: Bringing Plants to Paris
Fab Giovanetti and Lauren Lovatt: The Business of Plants
We would love for you to celebrate plant-based businesses and individuals with us. To sign up and register for the free talks click the link below.
Creative Impact brings together conscious creatives, natural chefs, authors, professionals with a focus on sustainability, wellness and nutrition to grow and market their brand through social media, online marketing and bringing their business online.
Share your content with a wider network by bringing your expertise and ideas to more people so that you can have more time to make a positive impact on other people and the planet by encouraging positive change and spread our unique mission.
Access a library including content from our archive of 100+ video tutorials, panels and interviews, live workshops and Q&As with resident experts, weekly strategy coaching calls supporting you in creating clear action steps and much more.
Get 3 months on us and access Plant Academy Student special pricing of £15 per month instead of £20 per month.