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The Business of Ideas with Carolina Chinea

Location: Online, a Zoom link will be available in the PDF download when you purchase a ticket. You must be able to attend the live session.


Whether you are starting from scratch or looking to improve upon an existing concept, our LIVE online workshop will guide you through the process of generating and validating ideas. Using The Plant Tarot Card Deck, a tool specifically designed for exploring and developing creative food ideas, and AI (Artificial Intelligence) to stimulate the session, you'll be sure to leave with fresh inspiration and new insights. So why wait? Join us today and ignite your creativity!

In this workshop, we will:

  • Learn additional skills that we can apply later on

  • Think WILD, take risks, and have fun

  • Take advantage of the tools we have at our disposal by using them wisely

  • Fuel our imagination collectively.

  • Develop ideas and products from scratch to make this world a better place.

Are you currently in one of these three situations?

1. Contemplating changing careers and moving to food, but without specific ideas.

I've been working in finance for years, but I've always been passionate about food. I'm considering a career change, but I'm not exactly sure what I want to do in the food industry yet.

2. Already know the context you want to explore, but unsure of the details.

I'm really interested in creating a plant-based bakery, but I'm not sure what type of baked goods to specialize in, the theme or what location would be best.

3. Have an idea or concept in your head and need inspiration or ideas to spark creativity.

I've been running a food truck for a while now, but I want to take it to the next level and create a brick-and-mortar restaurant. I have some ideas for the menu, but I need help refining them and coming up with unique concepts that will set me apart from the competition.

As a chocolate maker, I want to incorporate functional ingredients into my products to meet the growing demand for healthier options. However, I need guidance to understand my customers' needs and preferences, and to develop new products that effectively communicate the benefits of these ingredients while still delivering delicious chocolates.

Structure & timings

Who are we? (10 minutes)
We'll start by introducing ourselves and providing an overview of the

workshop's purpose. To get our creative juices flowing, we'll then engage in a warm-up exercise designed to help us enter a creative mindset.

What do we want to create (the challenge)? (10 minutes):

To begin, we'll carefully select and define the specific design challenge

that we'll be focusing on. This step is critical to ensure that our efforts are aligned and directed towards a clear goal.

How do we get inspired and motivated? (10 minutes):
- Our approach involves selecting one card from each deck, encompassing

Personas mindset, 2023 Food Trends, Eating Situations & Food Habits, Inspirations, and Tools. This process culminates in "The Panel Vision", a comprehensive framework that we'll use as a starting point for our work.

Defining our focus. Understanding the challenge (20 minutes):
- To gain a deeper understanding of each card and derive valuable insights

to work with, we will employ a variety of tools and techniques.

Generating ideas collectively (30 minutes):
- Together, we'll generate ideas that cater to a specific persona in the realm

of food, drawing from our food trends cards and considering our inspiration source and tools. Our goal is to come up with a range of value propositions that tackle the challenge at hand. Our focus will be on generating a multitude of ideas, prioritizing quantity over perfection. By exploring a wide range of possibilities, we can uncover innovative solutions and spark creativity.

Proposal selection (10 minutes)
- Our process will involve collective selection of an idea that we believe has

the most potential or that generates the most excitement. This approach ensures that we harness the collective wisdom and enthusiasm of the group to arrive at the best possible outcome.

Fast prototyping (30 minutes)
- Once we've selected the winning idea, we'll move forward with creating a

minimum viable product to test and refine our concept. To accelerate the prototyping process, we'll leverage the power of AI to assist us in developing a fast, effective prototype.

Conclusion and Next Steps (5 minutes)
- Summarise the workshop and highlight key takeaways.

Discuss next steps for turning the most promising idea into a real business, including how AI can help with market research, prototyping and testing, personalization, and automation.

(*) Please note that:

  • The timing of each activity may vary depending on the number of students and the flow of the course. This workshop is an experiment and aims to encourage an open mind, being present, collaborative and respectful of each other's ideas and perspectives. We encourage everyone to participate fully and embrace the creative process.

  • This is an introductory course with a limited timeframe. Our main goal is for you to feel inspired and gain exposure to new tools and approaches to generate ideas.

Carolina Chinea // Plant-based Business Coach

Carolina Chinea facilitates meaningful conversations, creative activities and games that help transform plant-based businesses into resilient and conscious enterprises that contribute to a healthier and more sustainable future.

She believes that the act of cooking is a social bonding gesture of hospitality and generosity, amplifying social relations and serving as a powerful tool for transforming human reality (who we feed, with whom we eat) as well as the environment (the place where we eat, where the food is prepared and where the ingredients come from).

It's her goal to provide advice and guidance to businesses, entrepreneurs, cooks, and all those interested in creating in the plant-based world – at any stage of their project – with a proposal that is tailored to their needs.

Your imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions
— Albert Einstein
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